Copy and Paste Attributes


The copy and paste function of the attribute table is for copying and pasting multiple cells or rows or columns in an attribute table. It supports copying the contents in the selected cells to Word, Excel, Text, and so on. At the same time, it also supports the contents in Word, Text, Excel and other files to the attribute table.

Basic Steps

  1. Open the attribute table. In Workspace Manager, right click a dataset(vector dataset or tabular dataset), point to “Browse Attributes” on the context menu.
  2. The copy and paste operation of the attribute table can be divided into the following ways:

    • Multiple cells copy and paste: select multiple cells in the attribute table, right click and point to “Copy” , or press Ctrl + C to copy the cell values, right click and select “Paste” in the target cells, or press Ctrl + V to paste the attribute values to the target cells.
    • The entire row or column copy: select a few rows or columns in the attribute table, right click and point to “Copy” , or press Ctrl + C to copy the cell values, right click and select “Paste” in the target rows or columns, or press Ctrl + V to paste the attribute values to the target rows or columns.
    • Copy to other documents: select the cells that need to be copied in the attribute table, click the “copy” option, or press Ctrl + C to copy the cell values, and then paste the attribute values in the Word, Excel, and Text files into these documents.
    • Copy the contents in Excel, Text, Word and other external files to the attribute table, select the contents, and through “copy” or Ctrl + C to copy, in the attribute table to select the target cells, through “paste” or Ctrl + V to paste them.
  3. Undo or redo the previous Copy and paste operation by using the “Undo” or “Redo” function.
  1. The copy and paste of the attribute table can only be used to manipulate the contents of a non binary field, and can’t be used to paste contents into the system field.
  2. If the copied contents exceed the target field range or length, or their field types do not match, it will fail to be pasted, and the target cells will keep the original values.
  3. When the attribute table is pasted, the upper left corner cell is selected in the attribute table as the starting position.

smalltitle Add Record

smalltitle Update Field

smalltitle Undo/Redo