Symbolic mapping attribute editing


Supports the editing of the property field information of the dataset, and provides a variety of ways of attribute entry for the user to choose flexibly to use.

  • Edit the property field of the dataset

By symbolic mapping template, the dataset creates a fixed attribute field according to the template. By clicking on a dataset right, select “Properties” item, pop-up “Properties” dialog box, and the user can view the dataset property field. Also supports the user to add , modify, delete and other operations for these fields. Please refer to the details Vector dataset properties window.

  • Edit the property field of the dataset

In the “Symbolic Mapping” function interface, click to select a specific feature to draw, and after you complete, it will automatically fill the basic information corresponding to the elements, other attributes need to enter manually by the user. Specific filling in the properties of several ways are as follows:

1. In the "Feature property" window on the right side of the workspace, you can edit or enter additional attribute information.
2. Users can double-click an object element, or right-click the "Properties" item, open the object element attribute information, you can directly edit the field information in the "Properties" window. In the object properties window, in addition to the attribute field information, you can also view the spatial information and node information. Please refer to the details [View and modify the properties of geometry object](../../../Visualization/Interaction/Geometry_Property.htm).
3. Users can use "Properties brush" way, to achieve the object attribute information fast assignment. For example, you can first assign an object, and then use the attribute brush on the same value of the object elements by unified assignment, the specific mode of operation can refer to [Properties brush](../../Objects/EditObjects/PropertyBrush.htm).
4. The user can modify the object attribute by batch assignment, hold down the shift to select multiple object elements in the map, and enter or select the attribute value in the element "Properties" dialog box to realize the batch modification of the object attribute information. 

You can also use the “Associate browsing properties” function in the context menu after selecting multiple properties dialogs. This function will combine the attribute table to display the attributes of multiple objects in the form of attribute table records. The associate browsing supports the linkage display of map objects and record sets, which facilitates the user for the modification of the corresponding attribute information.

smalltitle Symbolic mapping overview

smalltitle Symbolic mapping examples