Draw Orthogonal Polygon


The Orthogonal Polygon command is used to create a orthogonal polygon. Orthogonal polygons are used in building design.

Basic Steps

Draw Orthogonal Polygon

  1. In the Object Operations tab, click the Orthogonal Polygon button in the Draw group. Select the Orthogonal Polygon in the drop down list and the cursor appears.
  2. Move the cursor to the map window, you can see that the parameter input box will display the coordinate value of the current cursor when the cursor moves. Input the coordinate value of the start point of a edge of the orthogonal polygon in the input box (you can swap between the two parameter input boxes with the Tab key), press ENTER key to locate the start point of the orthogonal polygon.
  3. Move the cursor, you can see that the length of line form the cursor to the start point and the angle between the it and the X-axis is displayed in real time in the map window (you can swap between the two parameter input boxes by pressing the Tab key), input the length and angle value in the parameter input box, press Enter to finish the drawing of the first edge of the orthogonal polygon.
  4. Move the mouse, a blue line orthogonal with the first edge will appear. Move in the direction orthogonal with the first edge (90 or 270), input the length of the second edge, press Enter to finish the second edge. Positive value means draw to the left perpendicular to the last edge, negative value means draw to the right perpendicular to the last edge.

Note: Right click, you will get a rectangle after the drawing.

  1. Draw the next edge of the orthogonal polygon with the same method.
  2. Right click to finish the current drawing operation.

Draw New Orthogonal Polygon

  1. In the Object Operations tab, click the Orthogonal Polygon dropdown button in the Draw group. Select New Orthogonal Polygon, and the cursor appears.
  2. Move the cursor to the map window, you can see that the parameter input box will display the coordinate value of the current cursor when the cursor moves. Input the coordinate value of the start point of a edge of the orthogonal polygon in the input box (you can swap between the two parameter input boxes with the Tab key), press ENTER key to locate the start point of the orthogonal polygon.
  3. Move the cursor, you can see a temporary orthogonal rectangular in the map window with the mouse moves. It shows the start location and the line length. Press Enter to finish the drawing.
  4. Move the mouse to a new location, click or input the coordinate value to locate the start location of the next temporary rectangle, move the mouse again or input coordinate value to locate the other point on the diagonal of the temporary rectangle, the application will connect the original temporary rectangle and the the new cursor location to form a temporary orthogonal polygon, click again to finish the drawing.
  5. Right click to create a orthogonal polygon, to draw more complex orthogonal polygon, just repeat the steps above.

Both Orthogonal Polygon and New Orthogonal Polygon can be used to draw orthogonal polygons. The difference is just the drawing method. Orthogonal Polygon needs input the length of the side of the rectangle for many times, but with New Orthogonal Polygon, you need to input the coordinate value of the point of the diagonal of the rectangle.