Supported Data Formats

  We may deal with SuperMap formats and external data formats during GIS processing. The conversion function provides the converting ability among different file formats.

  Following table lists the supported files formats for importing data.

Format of supported vector file

File Format Imported Dataset Type
AutoCAD File *.dwg, *.dxf, *.dgn CAD, simple dataset
ArcGis Data *.e00 , *.shp, *.grd, *.txt, *.dbf simple dataset
MapInfo Data *.tab, *.mif, *.wor CAD, simple dataset
MapGIS Data *.wat, *.wal, *.wap, *.wan CAD, simple dataset
Microsoft File *.csv attribute table dataset
Image Bitmap *.sit, *.img, *.tif, *.tiff, *.bmp, *.png, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg image, raster dataset
Raster Data *.dem, *.bil, *.raw, *.bsq, *.bip, *.sid, *.b raster dataset
Google KML File *.kml, *.kmz CAD, simple dataset
Lidar Data *.txt 2D, 3D dataset
Vector tiles *.vct, *.json, *.gpx vector dataset
dBasseFoxPro database file *.dbf attribute table dataset
3D model data *.scv, *.osgb , *.3ds, *.x, *.dxf CAD, model dataset

Instruction about importing data

  There are two function entrances for importing data, one is the “Data Import” button in the “Start” tab on the “Data Processing” group ; for another one, you can right-click your datasource in the Workspace Manager, and then select “Import Dataset…“. In the pop-up dialog box “Data Import”, add the file you want to import, and set related parameters. Parameters set for different data could not be the same. The common parameters are described below:

  • Target Datasource: Used to set datasource where the imported dataset will be saved in.
  • Target Dataset: Used to set name for the imported dataset, the name is the same with source dataset name by default.
  • Encode Type: Specifies whether to compress data when saving it, which can save disk space. For different datasets, the system will determine appropriate encode mode automatically and display it in drop-down menu.
  • Import Mode: The import modes are: None, Force to Cover, Append. If selecting Force to Cover, the existed dataset which has the same name with imported data will be covered, however, for the function Append, imported data will be appended to the existed data.
  • Source File Path: Displays original data path which can be copied.