
mergeSort(array, comparator, userDefinedObject)

A stable merge sort.
Name Type Description
array Array The array to sort.
comparator mergeSort~Comparator The function to use to compare elements in the array.
userDefinedObject Object optional An object to pass as the third parameter to comparator.
// Assume array contains BoundingSpheres in world coordinates.
// Sort them in ascending order of distance from the camera.
var position = camera.positionWC;
SuperMap3D.mergeSort(array, function(a, b, position) {
    return SuperMap3D.BoundingSphere.distanceSquaredTo(b, position) - SuperMap3D.BoundingSphere.distanceSquaredTo(a, position);
}, position);

Type Definitions

Comparator(a, b, userDefinedObject)Number

A function used to compare two items while performing a merge sort.
Name Type Description
a Object An item in the array.
b Object An item in the array.
userDefinedObject Object optional An object that was passed to mergeSort.
Returns a negative value if a is less than b, a positive value if a is greater than b, or 0 if a is equal to b.
function compareNumbers(a, b, userDefinedObject) {
    return a - b;