
new SuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry(options)

A description of a cartographic rectangle on an ellipsoid centered at the origin. Rectangle geometry can be rendered with both Primitive and GroundPrimitive.
Name Type Description
options Object Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
rectangle Rectangle A cartographic rectangle with north, south, east and west properties in radians.
vertexFormat VertexFormat VertexFormat.DEFAULT optional The vertex attributes to be computed.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.WGS84 optional The ellipsoid on which the rectangle lies.
granularity Number Math.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE optional The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
height Number 0.0 optional The distance in meters between the rectangle and the ellipsoid surface.
rotation Number 0.0 optional The rotation of the rectangle, in radians. A positive rotation is counter-clockwise.
stRotation Number 0.0 optional The rotation of the texture coordinates, in radians. A positive rotation is counter-clockwise.
extrudedHeight Number optional The distance in meters between the rectangle's extruded face and the ellipsoid surface.
closeTop Boolean true optional Specifies whether the rectangle has a top cover when extruded.
closeBottom Boolean true optional Specifies whether the rectangle has a bottom cover when extruded.
  • DeveloperError : options.rectangle.north must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : options.rectangle.south must be in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2].
  • DeveloperError : options.rectangle.east must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : options.rectangle.west must be in the interval [-Pi, Pi].
  • DeveloperError : options.rectangle.north must be greater than options.rectangle.south.
// 1. create a rectangle
var rectangle = new SuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry({
  ellipsoid : SuperMap3D.Ellipsoid.WGS84,
  rectangle : SuperMap3D.Rectangle.fromDegrees(-80.0, 39.0, -74.0, 42.0),
  height : 10000.0
var geometry = SuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry.createGeometry(rectangle);

// 2. create an extruded rectangle without a top
var rectangle = new SuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry({
  ellipsoid : SuperMap3D.Ellipsoid.WGS84,
  rectangle : SuperMap3D.Rectangle.fromDegrees(-80.0, 39.0, -74.0, 42.0),
  height : 10000.0,
  extrudedHeight: 300000,
  closeTop: false
var geometry = SuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry.createGeometry(rectangle);
  • RectangleGeometry#createGeometry


staticSuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry.packedLength : Number

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.



Computes the geometric representation of a rectangle, including its vertices, indices, and a bounding sphere.
Name Type Description
rectangleGeometry RectangleGeometry A description of the rectangle.
The computed vertices and indices.

staticSuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry.pack(value, array, startingIndex)Array.<Number>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
Name Type Default Description
value RectangleGeometry The value to pack.
array Array.<Number> The array to pack into.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.
The array that was packed into

staticSuperMap3D.RectangleGeometry.unpack(array, startingIndex, result)RectangleGeometry

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.
Name Type Default Description
array Array.<Number> The packed array.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The starting index of the element to be unpacked.
result RectangleGeometry optional The object into which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new RectangleGeometry instance if one was not provided.