

实现粒子系统。被 ParticleSystem 类继承。 粒子通常用于实现火焰、烟雾、水等可视化效果。


staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.emitRate : Number

The maximum number of particles to emit per frame
Default Value: 10

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.gravity : Cartesian3

You can use gravity if you want to give an orientation to your particles.
Default Value: Cartesian3(0,0,0)

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxAngularSpeed : Number

Maximum angular speed of emitting particles (Z-axis rotation for each particle).
Default Value: 0

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxEmitPower : Number

Maximum power of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxInitialRotation : Number

Gets or sets the maximal initial rotation in radians.
Default Value: 0

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxLifeTime : Number

Maximum life time of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxScaleX : Number

Maximum scale of emitting particles on X axis.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxScaleY : Number

Maximum scale of emitting particles on Y axis.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.maxSize : Number

Maximum Size of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minAngularSpeed : Number

Minimum angular speed of emitting particles (Z-axis rotation for each particle).
Default Value: 0

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minEmitPower : Number

Minimum power of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minInitialRotation : Number

Gets or sets the minimal initial rotation in radians.
Default Value: 0

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minLifeTime : Number

Minimum life time of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minScaleX : Number

Minimum scale of emitting particles on X axis.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minScaleY : Number

Minimum scale of emitting particles on Y axis.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.minSize : Number

Minimum Size of emitting particles.
Default Value: 1

staticSuperMap3D.BaseParticleSystem.updateSpeed : Number

The overall motion speed (0.01 is default update speed, faster updates = faster animation)
Default Value: 0.01


createBoxEmitter(direction1, direction2, minEmitBox, maxEmitBox)

Creates a Box Emitter for the particle system. (emits between direction1 and direction2 from withing the box defined by minEmitBox and maxEmitBox)
Name Type Description
direction1 Number Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the box
direction2 Number Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the box
minEmitBox Number Particles are emitted from the box between minEmitBox and maxEmitBox
maxEmitBox Number Particles are emitted from the box between minEmitBox and maxEmitBox
the emitter

createConeEmitter(radius, angle)

Creates a Cone Emitter for the particle system (emits from the cone to the particle position)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the cone to emit from
angle Number The base angle of the cone
the emitter

createCylinderEmitter(radius, height, radiusRange, directionRandomizer)

Creates a Cylinder Emitter for the particle system (emits from the cylinder to the particle position)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the emission cylinder
height Number The height of the emission cylinder
radiusRange Number The range of emission [0-1] 0 Surface only, 1 Entire Radius
directionRandomizer Number How much to randomize the particle direction [0-1]
the emitter

createDirectedCylinderEmitter(radius, height, radiusRange, direction1, direction2)

Creates a Directed Cylinder Emitter for the particle system (emits between direction1 and direction2)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the cylinder to emit from
height Number The height of the emission cylinder
radiusRange Number the range of the emission cylinder [0-1] 0 Surface only, 1 Entire Radius (1 by default)
direction1 Number new Cartesian3(0, 1, 0)] Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the cylinder
direction2 Number new Cartesian3(0, 1, 0)] Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the cylinder
the emitter

createDirectedSphereEmitter(radius, direction1, direction2)

Creates a Directed Sphere Emitter for the particle system (emits between direction1 and direction2)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the sphere to emit from
direction1 Number new Cartesian3(0, 1, 0)] Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the sphere
direction2 Number new Cartesian3(0, 1, 0)] Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the sphere
the emitter

createHemisphericEmitter(radius, radiusRange)

Creates a Hemisphere Emitter for the particle system (emits along the hemisphere radius)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the hemisphere to emit from
radiusRange Number The range of the hemisphere to emit from [0-1] 0 Surface Only, 1 Entire Radius
the emitter

createPointEmitter(direction1, direction2)

Creates a Point Emitter for the particle system (emits directly from the emitter position)
Name Type Description
direction1 Number Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the box
direction2 Number Particles are emitted between the direction1 and direction2 from within the box
the emitter

createSphereEmitter(radius, radiusRange)

Creates a Sphere Emitter for the particle system (emits along the sphere radius)
Name Type Description
radius Number The radius of the sphere to emit from
radiusRange Number The range of the sphere to emit from [0-1] 0 Surface Only, 1 Entire Radius
the emitter


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