Installing product |
SuperMap iServer provides 32-bit and 64-bit setup packages that are consistent for the installation process. The following is the detailed description.
Before installing, please check whether the installation machine meets the minimum hardware and software configuration requirements of SuperMap iServer. If it is satisfied, please follow the steps below to complete the installation of SuperMap iServer on Windows:
(1) Insert the SuperMap iServer product installation CD into the CD-ROM drive (such as G :), if the system allows automatic operation, SuperMap iServer installation will start the interface, otherwise, please go to the drive to find SuperMap iServer installation directory, and then double-click setup.exe installation file.
(2) After the preparation phase is finished, Welcome dialog box will pop up and click the Next button to continue the installation.
(3) Read the pop-up License Agreement carefully. If you accept this agreement, please choose accept the terms of the license agreement, click the Next button. If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, click the Cancel button to exit the installation.
(4)The pop-up Installation Instructions dialog box describes some basic requirements. Click "Next" to continue the installation.
(5) On the pop up Setup Type dialog box, select the setup type. The system defaults to Complete, you can choose different installation type according to different needs. Click the Next button to proceed with the installation.
(6) On the Choose Destination Location dialog, select the installation path, the system will provide a default installation path. If you want to install SuperMap iServer to another directory, click the Browse button and select the installation path in the pop-up dialog box. You can also manually fill in the target path in the text box that displays the installation path.
(7) Continue to install. On the Ready to Install the Program, click the Install button to start the installation.
Note: If you choose the custom mode, the Select Features dialog box will pop up, as shown in the following figure. Custom installation only installs the selected function in the list. When the selection is complete, click the Next button.
(8) It will show Setup Status dialog box, indicating the installation progress. You can also cancel the installation by clicking the Cancel button.
(9) After the installation is complete, the system pops up the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box, click the Finish button to complete the SuperMap iServer installation.