Loading Layer Style Templates


Load a style template and apply the style to all objects in the selected layer.

A style template is essentially an XML file containing style information which can be applied to other objects or layers.

Basic Steps

  1. Right-click a vector layer in the Layer Manager and click Load Style Template in the context menu that appears.
  2. The Load Template dialog box appears. Navigate to the style template you want to load and click Open.
  3. The style template is applied to all objects in the selected layer.
  1. SuperMap Deskpro .NET provides rich style templates in the style template library. You can save the your own style to the style template library for reuse.
  2. The style saved to the style template library is placed in the Marker, Line or Fill folder under SuperMap Deskpro .NET\Templates\Style according to the type of the object. You can access the marker, line and fill style templates in the marker, line and fill style template libraries through the Templates drop-down lists in the Marker Style, Line Style and Fill Style groups on the Styles tabs for the layout window.