Adding Color Schemes


Create new color schemes.

Basic Steps

  1. Enable Color Scheme Editor: Click the Add button AddColorRamp in the Color Scheme Manager to display the Color Scheme Editor.
  2. Open Color Scheme Manager: Click the AddDataButton1 button, ans select the color scheme you need.
  3. Add Color: Use the Add Color button AddBNT to add colors. Two colors are required at least.

Figure: Color Editing Panel

  1. Edit Color: Use the Edit Color button EditColor to edit added colors.
  2. Delete Color: Click the Delete Color button DeleteColor to remove colors that are not needed any more.
  3. Adjust Colors: Click Up, Down, Top and Bottom buttons to change the sequence of the colors.
  4. Complete Basic Information: Enter the basic information of the color scheme, such as the author, name, description, etc.
  5. Change Style: Specify how colors are changed. Two options are provided: Random and Gradient.

In the gradient mode, color A will go smoothly to color B.

In the random mode, colors between color A and color B are randomly generated.

  1. Intervals: Specify the number of intermediate colors between the two neighboring key colors. The value ranges from 0 to 255. The default is 32. To make the color gradient goes more smoothly between colors, specify a bigger interval number.
  2. Save Color Scheme: Click the button to the right to specify where you want to place the scheme file (*.scs).
  3. Preview: The Preview area allows you to preview the color scheme effects.
  4. Finish Adding Color Scheme: Click OK to finish.

smalltitle Color Scheme Manager