Zoom to Raster Resolution


With the Zoom to Raster Resolution functionality, you can zoom the raster image layer to the best display status.

Keep the center point of the map unchanged, zoom the resolution of the raster image to 1:1, that is one pixel in the map window display one cell in the raster/image data (the raster/image data divide the ground to even grids, one grid is called a cell). At this level, you can’t get a clearer display by zoom in. If there are other dataset on the map, the datasets will be displayed with the same resolution.

Basic Steps

  1. Select a raster layer in the layer manager.
  2. Right click the raster layer node, select Zoom to Raster Resolution in the context menu, and the map will adjust the scale of the layer according to the resolution of the raster layer to make sure the display size of the layer is the same with the image resolution.